How certyclick works
What is the Certyclick app for?
The Certyclick app documents and demonstrates facts or situations in an irrefutable manner through photos and videos.
How do I use the Certyclick app?
To use the Certyclick app, simply register with your personal or company details, create folders - called ‘projects’ - and start shooting. Once you have confirmed your shot, the app will automatically save the media in the selected project and you can consult it at any time. Certyclick is easy, fast and secure.
Why do I have to register to use the app?
The registration of the user, with personal data and the setting of a password, are essential to ensure that the user of the app is uniquely identified. This way, no one can use the app with the registered user's account without the user's authorisation.
Can I add a description to my images/videos made with Certyclick?
Yes, after the media has been shot, it is possible to click on the pencil icon to add a short description and allow it to be found at a later date.
How can I manage photos and videos generated with Certyclick?
You can create as many folders and sub-folders as you like, move media from one project to another, delete media, or rename them.
Is there a limit to the number or size of media that can be saved with Certyclick?
Each media can have a maximum size of 100 MB. Depending on the subscription plan chosen, there are limits in terms of storage space and number of ‘Certified Transactions’. See the ‘packages and offers’ section for more information.
What is a Certified Transaction?
Certified transaction' means the certification process to which each media (photo or video) executed with Certyclick is subject. Each subscription has a maximum number of certified transactions, i.e. photos or videos, available. See the ‘packages and offers’ section for more information.
Can I share my projects/folders with other people?
Yes, by creating external collaborators and/or linking other accounts to your own. This is possible for all subscription plans. See the ‘packages and offers’ section for more information on the number of collaborations available for each plan.
Which mobile operating systems support Certyclick?
The Certyclick mobile application is available for Android and iOS on the respective stores. The desktop management application (or ‘Control Panel’) can be accessed online without downloading applications, even via the mobile application.
What is a Collection?
A Collection is a set of projects that you decide to group together at your own discretion for organisational purposes. It may be useful, for example, to create a Collection in order to group projects together according to a certain theme or cataloguing criterion.
What is a Collaborator?
A contributor is a user whom you decide to invite to view or edit a project or Collection.
How do I add a collaborator to my Collection?
To add a Collaborator to a Collection, from the Control Panel enter the "Collections" menu, choose the collection to share and click on the "add collaborator" icon. Then enter the email address of the user you want to invite to collaborate with you and click on "add".
How do I connect another user to my subscription?
In the drop-down menu in the "Collaborators" section it is also possible to enter the "Linked Accounts" section. A linked account is an account that actually becomes part of the master user's plan and has access to edit and view all of the master user's projects.
How do I connect another user to my subscription?
In the drop-down menu in the "Collaborators" section it is also possible to enter the "Linked Accounts" section. A linked account is an account that actually becomes part of the master user's plan and has access to edit and view all of the master user's projects.
What is the “Shared with me” section?
In the “Shared with me” section you can view files and projects shared with other users or external collaborators.
I took a shot that no longer interests me, can I delete it?
Yes, you can refuse to save the photo or video immediately after taking it by clicking on the X at the top left of the display. In this way the media is not saved and the shot is not certified. If, however, the media is already saved in the project folders and you want to delete it at a later time, this is possible either from the app, by holding down the thumbnail of the photo/video and clicking on "delete", or alternatively from the management portal, by clicking on the “trash can” icon under the media you want to delete. After deletion, the media will no longer be present in the folders but can only be recovered from the certified email received at the same time as the photo.
Certification with blockchain
How is the immutability and therefore the legal value of the media guaranteed?
It is blockchain technology that ensures this. The certification process follows this flow: when the user takes a piece of media (photograph or video) through the Certyclick mobile application, at the same time the GPS coordinates, the date and time of the shot, the name of the user, the ID of the device used, and are attached to the media information and its documentation. The media is sent to the Certyclick engine which generates the hash code of the file and attaches it to the media, saving it in the database. Furthermore, the hash of the file is stamped and saved on the Certyclick smart contract (blockchain).
How does blockchain ensure the security of my photo?
One of the main features of blockchain technology is that the information saved is transparent and cannot be modified. Certyclick saves information about user-generated photos or videos on a blockchain. Inasmuch, the metadata of these files cannot be changed.
Where are the media generated with Certyclick saved?
All photos and videos generated with Certyclick are stored in an encrypted Cloud accessible only to the user. They are also saved in the legalmail archive space (within each certified email sent to the user) and also saved in an internal Certyclick backup, for possible data restoration at the user's request. Media is not saved on the mobile device used to shoot (smartphone/tablet/etc.).
Does the App provide documents that certify the veracity of the media generated?
A PEC email is sent to the owner of the photo/video (to the email address used for registration), with the original media attached and a PDF certificate (certification certificate) with information on the media relating to location, date and time click, unique hash code, Author, Device ID, Transaction ID and transaction link with QRcode.
How do I verify that my photo has been saved on blockchain?
Once you have taken a photo or shot a video, you have the possibility to view the data relating to the newly generated file and the related transaction on the blockchain by clicking on "explore transaction". You will be redirected to a browser page in the Algorand Blockchain, where you can verify that the blockchain transaction was successful. In fact, the Transaction ID, the number of blocks, the timestamp date and also the hash code of the media will appear.
Does the legal value of the media generated with Certyclick have a time limit?
No, because once the photo/video has been taken with Certyclick, its data will be crystallized on the blockchain and therefore immutable over time.
How can I be sure that Certyclick works correctly and that the photo and video materials produced are actually protected and cannot be modified?
It is possible by self-producing proof that a photo taken from the PEC email generated by the Certyclick system has the same SHA as the PDF, i.e. the same cryptographic hash. To check this aspect we recommend two open source scripts, OpenSSL ( or FileCheckSum.
7. How can I be sure that Certyclick works correctly and that the photo and video materials produced are effectively protected and cannot be modified?
On the website in the “Verify authenticity” section it is possible to verify the originality of a media taken with Certyclick, and therefore that this file has not been manipulated. Simply upload the photo/video to be analyzed and then enter the Hash code reported on the Certyclick certification certificate in the box below. By clicking on “Verify photo or video” you can check whether the data matches. You can also verify the blockchain registration of the image or video file and therefore verify that it has not been manipulated.
In what circumstances can it be useful to take a photo or video or audio with Certyclick?
Certyclick is useful in all those situations where it is necessary to highlight a situation or fact through a photo or video. The applicability falls in multiple sectors such as: insurance, judicial, control and monitoring, inspection investigations, private sector. In fact, it can be used to demonstrate a fact through photographic or video evidence which takes on legal probative value. Examples: judicial disputes, offences, insurance claims, damage reporting, work progress status, infrastructure monitoring, consumption measurement, shipments, private investigations, video surveillance, environmental crimes, attestation of the existence of documents.
What is the difference between the traditional data certification and a Certyclick certification?
Traditional data certification services consist of software that performs the analysis of one or more media uploaded by the user, following which a certificate is issued certifying the date and location of the shots. In these cases, however, proof that the media has not been altered is not guaranteed. Certyclick, on the other hand, uses blockchain technology to guarantee the inalterability of the media and the veracity of the location and date of shooting.
How much does Certyclick cost?
You can use Certyclick for free with the Basic plan, which contains all the features of paid subscriptions, but in a limited number. Or you can choose a subscription plan with different costs depending on the service offered. See the “subscription plans” section for more information.
What does it mean that the media generated with Certyclick have legal value?
Since the media taken with the Certyclick app are certified as "unmodified", they can be used to demonstrate a fact or situation even in the event of a legal dispute.
How do I change my subscription?
Once registered, within your account in the "subscriptions" section you can sign up for a plan or update your current plan.
Can I delete my account?
Yes, once logged into your account, in the "personal data" section there is the ''Delete account'' button which allows you to proceed with deleting your account.